
Thursday 15 June 2017

Best workout for tricep growth

Unknown | June 15, 2017 | ||

Getting together the best triceps workout is one of the key things that you will really need to take your program to the next level. If your goal is to get bigger arms, then it's a must to keep in mind that the triceps are what makes up the better portion of your overall arm size.

Many people place a high amount of focus on the biceps, and while that's fine since they are our main muscles too, they should be placing just as much, if not slightly more focus on the triceps muscle.

Here are some points to remember about creating the best triceps workout.

Pump Your Chest with Heavy Exercises First

To start off the best triceps workout, you will want to hit your chest with one of the heavier exercises such as bench press, incline press, or close grip bench press (which is especially great for the triceps). Since you will commonly lift more weight on these movements than on an isolated tricep exercise alone, these tend to be slightly more superior regarding boosting strength and adding mass.

Do this at the beginning of your workout when you are still at your freshest to see optimal results.

Consider Hand Placement To Vary The Tension On The Triceps

Next, you should also think about your hand placement when performing certain exercises. For example, if you're going to do tricep kickbacks, you can perform them with the palm facing downwards, the palm facing inwards or the palm facing upwards.

All variations will target a different region of the triceps muscle, giving you the best triceps workout program.

Hit The Triceps From All Angles

Likewise, it's important that you hit the muscle from a variety of angles if you want a well rounded best triceps workout so don't let yourself fall into the habit of always doing one particular exercise.

Switch your exercises between bent over tricep extensions, over the head tricep extensions, rope press-downs, ez-bar extensions, skull crushers, triangle push-ups, and so on.

There are so many different exercises that you can use for your workouts that there is never a reason to allow yourself use one or two exercises only. Try a variety of combinations to keep that muscle guessing what it is going through next.

Be Sure Sufficient Rest Is Given

Finally, it's also critical that you make sure you're giving enough rest to the triceps muscle. This is one of the biggest mistakes that's commonly made because people forget that the triceps act as a supporting muscle in so many of the other exercises you perform.

For example, in any type of shoulder (or military) press movement, the triceps will get targeted. Likewise, as mentioned in the first point, any bench pressing movements will also hit the tricep muscles quite hard so you must be sure to put them on the same day you're doing your tricep workout.

The best tricep workout will aim to hit this muscle hard twice a week and then provide sufficient rest the rest of the days so they can grow back bigger and stronger. On the other hand, too frequent training will have a detrimental effect on your muscles such as injuries and consistent aches.

By making sure you keep these points in the back of your mind, you will create the best triceps workout for yourself. Remember never to let things stay the same for too long - whether it's an exercise change, a rep range change, or otherwise. Keep surprising that muscle for better growth in size and strength.